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Ramadan Lectures 1431H- Analogies in the Noble Quran- Lesson (25-34): The Prophet PBUH said,
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful  

The purpose of describing believers in Quran and Sunnah:

 Dear dignified brother, we are still discussing the analogies in the Quran and Sunnah. The Prophet, peace be upon him, said:

((The believers in their mutual kindness, compassion and sympathy are just like one body. When one of the limbs suffers, the whole body responds to it with wakefulness and fever.))

(Al-Bukhari and Muslim from An-Nu'man bin Bashir)

 First of all, what is the purpose of describing the believers in the Quran and Sunnah? There are two main purposes; the first purpose is to know who the believer is or to work on becoming a believer. The second purpose is to make this description a standard according to which you work and behave. The very delicate point is to know who the believer is and to do your best to become a believer. If are not sure whether you are a believer (your actions and behavior) or not, you can make this description a standard for you. If something good befalls one of your believing brother, do you feel happy for him? Answer this question honestly. If you are happy about the good things befall your fellow brother, you are a believer, by the Lord of Ka'bah, but do you know why? Because Allah the Great and Almighty describes hypocrites saying:

((If good befalls you (O Muhammad, peace be upon him), it grieves them))

(At-Taubah: 50)

 If one of your fellow brother succeeds in getting a PhD, if another brother is successful in his marriage, and if a third brother is successful in his business, will you be happy for them as much as you are whenever you succeed in something? By the Lord of Ka'abah, if you are happy for your brother' success, then you are a believer. On the other hand, if you are hurt and upset, and you repress your anger, and you wish that your fellow brother does not succeed, you wish that this success vanishes or you work on destroying this success, then, by the Lord of Ka'abah, you are a hypocrite. This Ayah is the proof:

((If good befalls you (O Muhammad, peace be upon him), it grieves them, but if some evil overtakes you, they rejoice at it.))

(Aal-'Imran: 120)

 This is a standard. Test your own faith through your feelings towards your brother; are you happy for him whenever goodness befalls him? Are you sad for him whenever some evil overtakes him? Do you wish that nothing hurts him?

Muslim societies are divided in a way for which Allah has sent down no authority:

 Islam is manifested clearly in many aspects which have become available in our life. We have Islamic universities, references, books and conferences. Also, there are fascinating Masajid in the Islamic countries all over the world. Once I visited a Masjid that is considered one of Arabs' masterpieces; its cost is one billion lira, and it is over the sea:

((His Throne was on the water.))

(Hud: 7)

 This Ayah encouraged the owner of this Masjid to build it on seawater. I saw incredible Masajid in many Islamic countries; you will be charmed by their architectural style and luxury. I said earlier that there are Islamic conferences and millions of Islamic books. Whatever Islamic comes to your mind is there, except the mutual love between the believers which used to be between the Companions, may Allah be pleased with them. This love is one of the prerequisites of having faith. If your belonging is not to group of all believers, then you are not a believer. Classifying the Islamic societies into groups according to categories for which Allah has sent down no authority is unacceptable in Islam.

 Allah the Great and Almighty asserted two standards in the Quran according to which Muslims are favored over one another. They are the Islamic knowledge and work. Whoever is a believer and has Islamic knowledge, and he is steadfast in his actions and behavior is our brother for Allah's Sake. However, nowadays the Islamic society is divided into Islamic groups, which conflict against one another; they throw charges at each other and accuse each other of being a disbelieving group. This is really unreasonable.
  I traveled to a country, which is on the furthest place in the world; it is located in the southern area of earth. The number of Muslims in that country was 700.000, but those Muslims were two groups, and each group accused the other of doing the worst charges. I visited both groups, and I gave lectures on the radio there. Two years later, the second group sent me an invitation, but I paid a visit to the first group as well, and I said, "I belong to all Muslims." Dividing and classifying people into groups, minorities and bubbles cause our failure, and we will not be successful unless we belong to the only group of all believers. The following Hadith is one of the strongest As7adeth:

((The believers- all of them- in their mutual kindness, compassion and sympathy- sympathy is an internal feeling, compassion is manifested in one's behavior and kindness is an expression of love- are just like one body. When one of the limbs suffers, the whole body responds to it with wakefulness and fever.))

Dividing Muslims is the trump card the enemies have:

 Dignified brother, believe it or not, few days ago I was told that according to the latest statistics the number of Muslims has reached 1 billion and 8.00 million, which equals more than quarter of the population on earth. These Muslims live in a strategic area that is considered the top area in the world. Moreover, they have the most valuable natural wealth on earth, yet they are the poorest peoples. Let alone, they have conflicts against one another, hostilities and even wars. Unlike them, Muslims' enemies cooperate with one another although the common ground between them is 5%.

 While I was once in a taxi in Germany, I was told, "We are in Holland right now." I said, "Where are the borders? There are no panels indicating that, so how did you know that we are in Holland now?" They said, "By the plates of the vehicle. They have different colors." Also, while I was in Italy, a brother invited me to his office, so I visited him there. Then he invited me to his house, which was in Switzerland, i.e. in another country. How strange! His house was in a country and his office was in another one. There were no borders between the two countries, nor were there any panels. When I insisted on knowing how they could tell that they entered into the neighboring country, he said, "There is a line of stones across the road which tells you that." This line is the border between Switzerland and Italy.
  These western countries had lots of wars that no one know about but Allah, and they had different nationalities, but they thought about becoming one nation and having one currency; the Euro. Can you imagine that?! All of Europe has a common market with one representative and one currency, and so money flows unconditionally. Notice how by their intelligence they could unite, whereas we, the 1 billion and 8.00 million Muslims who have natural wealth that only Allah knows about and live in the most strategic place in the world are the poorest peoples, because we are divided.

 Dear brother, be quite sure, that the tyrants all over the world have one left trump card, which is dividing Muslims. However, we can defeat this card with our awareness, or we can take it from them by cooperating with one another. Do you believe in Allah the Great? Do you believe in the Noble Prophet, peace be upon him? Do you believe in the Noble Quran? Then why do you go against it? Allah describes Fir'aun who was the tyrant in Musa's time saying:

((Verily, Fir'aun (Pharaoh) exalted himself in the land and made its people sects,))

(Al-Qasas: 4)

 This is how tyrants deal with Muslims; they concentrate on dividing them. When the west occupied a neighboring country, the first thing they did was dividing them into Arabs, Kurds, Assyrians, Sunnah and Shi'ah. Their main crystal clear focus is division.

Being a true believer means belonging to the group of believers:

 Dear brother, I hope that you consider other believers your brother in faith. It is a good thing to be a regular attendant of a certain Masjid, but don't consider whoever goes to another Masjid your enemy or look down at him boasting about being an attendant of so and so Masjid: Your belonging should be to the group of all believers in order to be considered a true believer:

((The believers in their mutual kindness, compassion and sympathy…))

  Your cordiality, compassion, generosity and sympathy should be to all believers:

((The believers in their mutual kindness, compassion and sympathy are just like one body. When one of the limbs suffers, the whole body responds to it with wakefulness and fever.))

(Al-Bukhari and Muslim from An-Nu'man bin Bashir)

 You should worry if something bad happens to your brother, and you should be happy when something good happens to him. The following Ayah indicates this point precisely:

((If good befalls you (O Muhammad, peace be upon him), it grieves them, but if some evil overtakes you, they rejoice at it.))

 It means that no one can deny his inner feelings, and the evidence is:

((Nay! Man will be a witness against himself [as his body parts (skin, hands, legs, etc.) will speak about his deeds]* Though he may put forth his excuses (to cover his evil deeds).))

(Al-Qiyamah: 14-15)

 It was said, "You can deceive most people for some time, and you may deceive some people all the time, but you cannot deceive all people all the time." I would like to add this sentence to this saying, "You can never ever deceive yourself for even one second". The evidence is the following:

((Nay! Man will be a witness against himself [as his body parts (skin, hands, legs, etc.) will speak about his deeds]* Though he may put forth his excuses (to cover his evil deeds).))

The kindness and compassion between believers are sings of Allah's Ability:

  Nothing makes Muslims strong other than their collective belonging. You like all believers, yet there are some very narrow visions; there are bubble-like (false belongings) belongings. For instance, a believer who prays and attends religious lectures in a particular Masjid does not consider the believer who prays in another Masjid his fellow brother. Why is that? Who told you that he is not a brother of yours? This man may have a high rank in Allah's Sight. We should put an end to these old-fashion thoughts. You should belong to all Muslims who are one group. Therefore:

((The believers in their mutual kindness, compassion and sympathy are just like one body. When one of the limbs suffers, the whole body responds to it with wakefulness and fever.))

(Al-Bukhari and Muslim from An-Nu'man bin Bashir)

  Being like one body is what elevates and strengthens Muslims, and this is what makes their mutual kindness and compassion grow. Furthermore, these mutual kindness and compassion between Muslims are sings of Allah's Ability. Almighty Allah says:

((Verily, those who believe [in the Oneness of Allah and in His Messenger (Muhammad peace be upon him)] and work deeds of righteousness, the Most Beneficent (Allah) will bestow love for them (in the hearts of the believers).))

(Maryam: 96)

 The scholars of the interpretation of the Quran said, "This love will be mutual between them (the believers)", and some of them said, "It is a mutual love between them and Allah". Let us repeat the Hadith for one last time:

((The believers in their mutual kindness, compassion and sympathy are just like one body. When one of the limbs suffers, the whole body responds to it with wakefulness and fever.))

(Al-Bukhari and Muslim from An-Nu'man bin Bashir)

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